

IP2FireEagle is a PHP script which discovers your IP address and uses that to discover your location. Your location is sent to Fire Eagle. This is basically just a proof-of-concept of using non-standard ways to update one's location status. I wrote it in about an hour, so don't expect anything fancy.


I thought it would be fun.


This page is the place for all info and files. The three files you need are here: ip2fireeagle.tgz.


Just run php ip2fireeagle.php. Your version of PHP should be a relatively recent version of PHP 5 (I run PHP 5.2.5). The first time you run the script you will be prompted to register it with the Fire Eagle website. After that your authentication data will be saved and no input is needed. This means you can run it as a cron job.


I'm Peter Robinett and I'm an American web programmer based in Amsterdam working under the name Bubble Foundry. I also organize Lunch 2.0.nl (in Dutch). You can reach me at peter (at) bubblefoundry (dot) com.

Now What?

You want to do something more with the code? It's available under the MIT License, so you can do just about whatever you want (see the source file for the license text). If you do something with the script, I'd love to hear about it! Here are some ideas: